It doesn’t matter how fast you’re going if you’re headed in the wrong direction.

There are moments in life when you reach an inflection point. You wonder: What am I doing and why? What do I truly care about? Am I in the right place? How could I re-adjust my life? Am I ready for this?

  • Press Pause

    Step away from every day demands from work, family, and friends on your time and energy and reconnect with yourself. Press pause and re-assess your direction of travel in both work and life during two days in nature with Lise.

  • Reconnect to Yourself

    Reflect on existential questions and come to your very own definition of success. Listen to yourself, leverage your body’s wisdom, and allow yourself to acknowledge emotions in a confidential and trusted space.

  • Embrace Nature Power

    Embrace the power of nature to emerge with a clear vision, design a strategy to get there, and mobilise the support you need. In-built accountability and support thanks to our post-retreat follow-up sessions.

The "What Next?" Executive Coaching in Nature programme combines two days of executive coaching followed by individual outdoor coaching sessions for ongoing accountability and support.

Where, when, how much?

Some clients live around the corner, others travel all the way to Switzerland from a different country. Let's talk to find the best day, time and location for you.

  • Where: Unterägeri, Switzerland. Other locations on request.

  • When: Friday 13:00-17:00 - Saturday 09:00-17:00. Different days and times on request.

  • From CHF 6000. Payment plans and reduced pricing for people working towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals vailable on request.

  • Open to all fitness levels.

Meet Your Coach

Lise Bruynooghe

Master Certified Coach (ICF), Supervisor (EMCC), Mentor Coach (ICF)

A globally acclaimed executive coach, facilitator, trainer, mentor coach and supervisor for coaches and OD consultants, Lise knows how to dance with uncertainty and unravel complexity. An expert on change, she accompanies clients from multiple industries, countries, and cultures across the globe in professional transitions and organisation-wide transformations. Lise is fascinated by what it takes to tilt structures within oneself, relationships, organisations, and society and ultimately cares about building a more inclusive and sustainable world. She serves as President of the Board of the UK Chapter of the International Coaching Federation.

Why Executive Coaching?

You yearn for a safe space to reflect on, challenge and refine who you are and want to be(come). This is rarely available in your busy life.

  • Profound impact requires us to look at the whole person, both personal and professional. Do you have the willingness and tenacity to do so?

  • We make the implicit explicit. Together, we heighten your awareness of beliefs that shape your life by looking at systems, structures and underlying patterns within which you operate.

  • You are curious, open to experiment and stretch beyond your comfort zone to explore and embrace ambiguity and uncertainty. Most importantly, you take responsibility for following through on your actions.


“Lise is provocative in a very pleasant way and questions the voices that hold you back. She recognised my style and my need to go against conformity - and questioned my authentic self every time I fell into a conform way of thinking. I learned that every time I'm afraid of my own creativity, thinking that I'm taking things too far... I'm actually not going far enough. ”

Nicole Picthall

“Lise’s coaching style is simple and powerful. She helped me observe my behaviours and see how long-term planning could give me an overall sense of direction. As a result of coaching with Lise, I became more focussed on my objectives and better able to prioritise. She helped me figure out what to do next – professionally and in my personal life.”

Josie Murphy

“Lise’s masterful coaching provides a safe place where I can openly and wholeheartedly contemplate and co-create ideas for solving professional and/or life challenges. Her coaching is thought-provoking and mind-tickling as she artfully applies and combines many coaching styles situationally. I recommend a set of sessions, so follow-up and personal accountability can happen which has helped me tremendously. ”

Beate Stumpe

“I am extremely grateful for the experience of being coached by Lise. She is truly amazing and inspiring. And she cares. And she delivers. No matter how difficult the client finds it to formulate their issue. She sees the light and she takes you there. ”

Natalia Moiseenkova

“Lise combines a big heart with an exceptional ability to think. She has high-level business acumen and a down-to-earth sense of the human factor. In coaching situations, she displays both sensitivity and powerful analysis. I have no hesitation in recommending her as a coach.”

Godfrey Spencer, Compassionate Communication Expert

“The coaching sessions with Lise have been among my most valuable resources for my first year of C-Level responsibilities. She has particularly helped me to structure my thoughts through a broad range of challenges, to trust my own capabilities and go my own way, as well as to anticipate conflicts and thus be prepared to dissolve them on the spot. I highly recommend her support.”

CEO, Voith Composites

“Lise combines a brilliant mind and extraordinary capacity for learning with deeply held values, heartfelt empathy, socio-political awareness, personal honesty, and emotional maturity beyond her years. ”

Zora Boas, Founding Director, boas partners

“Very thoughtful and insightful coach who will listen and question at the right moment and in the right manner. ”

Laura Ipacs, Lecturer and Board Trustee